The new season of the Champions League is in full swing. The competition is so intense that it is easy to miss a few matches. That is why it is so important to follow the results of the matches of the most interesting clubs.
The list of the best clubs of the current season is long and impressive. The list includes:
* Barcelona;
* Manchester United;
* Liverpool;
* Bayern;

* Juventus;
** PSG;
*** Real Madrid;
**** Juventus;
* Atletico;
***** Sevilla;
******** Lazio;
The most interesting teams are:
1. Barcelona: The Catalans are the most successful team of the last few seasons. They won the Champions trophy twice, and the La Liga three times. The team has a good lineup, and it is ready to win the main trophy of the Old Continent.
2. Manchester United: The Red Devils are one of the main contenders for the title. They have a great lineup, which is well balanced. The squad of the team is very strong, and its performance in the international arena is good.
3. Liverpool: The team is considered to be one of Europe’s best, and many experts consider it to be the best team in the world. The Reds are the main favorites of the tournament, and they have already won the Europa League.
4. Bayern: The German team is one of those teams that always gives the best performance in all competitions. The players of the club have a good work-out, and this allows them to perform at a high level.
5. Juventus: The Bianconeri are the best club in Italy, and their success is due to the fact that they have a balanced lineup. The club is very confident, and is ready for any challenge.
6. Lazio: The Italian team is the main contender for the champion title. The Lazio have a very good lineup and are able to play at a higher level. The main problem of the Lazio is the lack of motivation.
7. Atletico: The Spanish team is a real favorite of the season. The Atletico is a team that has a great work-in, and can play at the highest level.
8. Sevilla: The Seville team is in great shape, and has a very balanced lineup that can play in any tournament.
9. Lazar: The Romanian team is also in great condition, and looks very confident. The lineup of the squad is very good, and there are no problems with the defense.
10. Juventus has a long tournament distance ahead of it. The current season has been very successful for the club, and a lot of victories have been achieved.
You can follow the progress of the teams on the website of sports statistics, where the information is updated in real time.
Main favorites of this season
The main favorites are the following teams:
• Barcelona;
• Liverpool; and
• Juventus.
Barcelona has been in the Champions league for several years, and in the current campaign it is the Catalan team that is in the leading position. The Catalonians have a well-balanced lineup, where each player has his own speciality.

The team has the following advantages:
· Excellent teamwork.
· Excellent selection of players.
This allows the coach to choose the best players for each position.
In the current tournament, the Catalonias have already managed to win two trophies, and are now the main favorite of all the Champions tournament. The following teams are considered to have a greater chance of winning the trophy:
● Manchester United
● Liverpool; and ● Juventus. The Red devils are the favorites of all competitions, and have already achieved great success.
● Bayern; ● Real Madrid and ● Atletico.
Juventus is considered one of European football’ most successful teams. The Turin club has a balanced roster, and each player can be called a specialist. The coach of the Italian team has always managed to find a good balance between the attacking and the defensive lines.
All the information about the results and the position of the clubs in the standings on the sports statistics website.
Team’ performance in international arena
The current season of Champions League has already shown that the main teams of the international tournament are not the best in the domestic arena. The teams that are considered the main competitors of the Catalans, are:
● Real Madrid.
• Atletico Madrid. The Spanish club is considered as one of “the best” in the tournament. However, the team has not been able to win many trophies.
It is the Spanish club that has the best chance of getting into the final rounds.
Real Madrid has a well balanced lineup, in which each player is able to demonstrate his maximum. The Madrid team is able not only to win, but also to take part in the playoffs.
Atletico is considered by many experts as one the best teams of Europe. The Spanish squad is able, thanks to the work-outs of its players, to show a good game in the matches against the main rivals of the championship.

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